Her you will find links to airlines and car rental companies as well as search engines.
This can help you to finde the cheapest travels and let you get the most out of your money and holiday.
These airlines frequently fly to and from Malaga or show up in searches with one stop.
When you book your flights or looking for the best airfares; have in mind that there are add-ons for seating and bagage.
Here is a table for which airlines and the different charges that can be added:

Here are some search-engines that give you the most reliable flights and prices:
And links direct to the companies homepages:

The best prices you might find by using one of these search-engines. There are more to be found but we have tested the most and they are
not consistent when you get the results; when you try to book the prices changes and not in your favour......
So go for these:

Car rentals:
At Malaga Airport:
Value for the money and a good service rental company to be found at Malaga Airport

Just click the icon to get a good offer!
Close to the airport and with fast pick-up and delivery. Sign up for the VIP-Club!

If you would like to have more to choose from, these search-engines will find you the best rates from other companies: